Cooking training meeting aimed to respond to Muslim tourists etc.

Japanese restaurant of reputation in the Muslim

Cooking training meeting aimed to respond to Muslim tourists etc. Japanese restaurant of reputation in the Muslim Restaurants still less for Muslims 00 years towards the holding of the Tokyo Olympic Games Paralympic Games, Japan is now, tourists from around the world in public and private sectors trying to get to enjoy the fun and Japan is safe and promoting a variety of initiatives. A total of ten thousand 00 people foreign tourists visited Japan in years. Of these, indeed million people from neighboring Asian countries are visiting (from the Japanese Government Tourism Bureau statistics). Among these it is and Malaysia to the state religion of Islam, are included tourists of Muslims from Indonesia, with its world's largest Muslim population. So as to be able to tourism they are at ease, to the receiving side of Japan has been required to develop a [Muslim friendly] environment. Is the largest concern for them to visit, that is also a worry about things at the same time [meal]. Because it is not possible to mouth such as pork and alcohol as a religious contraindications, there is a system of religious institutions to authenticate that it is friendly to such doctrine [halal (what Muslims can eat)].