Cooking training meeting aimed to respond to Muslim tourists etc.

Muslim support of key information disclosure

Cooking training meeting aimed to respond to Muslim tourists etc. Muslim support of key information disclosure This time restaurants and hotels in the restaurant, as the corresponding for Muslims (Muslims), introduces you to the [information disclosure of food] to tackle first. Halal certification of ambiguous eateries In the last column, we discussed that there is a Halal which is the foundation of life in general (what is legal in Islamic law) and haram (what is illegal in the Islamic law) is to Muslims. In the Islamic world, it admits that the engine in accordance with Islamic intellectuals, et al. Is Halal there is a certification system that [Halal], has become a measure of the Muslims of the selection. Of the certification system originated in the country Malaysia listed the Halal certification to the restaurant over-the-counter has become a very common thing.